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2014-08-15 | 责任编辑:admin | 浏览数:3961 | 内容来源:本站编辑发布

XIYUE MEDIA依托雄厚的资源优势和一支能给客户提供“智业服务”的公关团队,以全身心担当“外脑”为己任,整合媒介渠道,携手向品牌客户贡献智慧与力量,被诸多品牌客户誉为“最具价值的服务伙伴”。





XIYUE MEDIA relying on strong resources and give customers a "service-industry," the public relations team to wholeheartedly serve as the "brain" as its mission, the integration of media channels to work together to contribute wisdom and strength of brand customers, many brands are customers as "the most valuable service partner."


Our services include:

Media relations, Public relations planning and consulting, Celebrity and guests management, Media publishing, Editing writing, Fashion photography, Media sample management, Seasonal product media preview, Invited media, Management and access to treatment and other issues

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